Sunday 11 December 2016

Photo session

A random selection of photographs taken for a friend. 

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Armies Army Pegasus VTOL

The V212 Pegasus VTOL.

I've had a pair of these for about a year now and I have finally finished one of them!

An absolutely glorious sculpt by Steve Tyler of Coolhand Customs, it comes in resin and metal with a choice of landing gear up or down. The tilt rotors are seperate so they can be glued in any orientation and the weapon load out includes two gatling cannons and two rocket launchers.

I knew straight away I wanted to have flames on one, and that was the first thing to get painted.
I see this as a mercenary vehicle. I'll be painting the other in a more military style.

Friday 28 October 2016

Scratch built shanties

Following on from my previous post, I was asked to take some photos of my shanties, which reminded me that I had been asked a while ago to write an article about how I made them.

I think the time has come for me to make some more, so I will describe the process in that article and just leave some photos here for now.

Suffice to say that the main components are; corrugated plastic sheet, balsa, matchsticks, small stones and kitchen roll.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Slum Wall Set 1

Newly released, and newly received; a set of slum walls from White Dragon Miniatures.

Sculpted by master craftsman Giacomo Pantalone aka The Lazy Forger, these 5 pieces are approximately 20mm high, with one section slightly lower at 10mm. Placed end to end they measure 355mm, or 14".

There are three straight sections and two L sections so there should be plenty of scope to arrange them in interesting ways. (Especially if you bought three packs like me.)

The walls feature a lot of corrugated metal sheets, as you'd expect, often supported by concrete  barriers, with added details such as tyre, barrels, ammo boxes and sections of cables nicely draped across the walls. The walls are battle damaged, showing off the attention to detail I've come to expect from Giacomo.

An essential additon to any urban terrain, particularly if you like shanties, and who doesn't like shanties? I really need to make some more.

The concrete barricades are also available from White Dragon Miniatures, on their own or as a hastily built defensive line with similar scrap items adding to the cover . I really like the direction their urban terrain is headed. There will be some nice gritty scenarios playing out on my table very soon...

Saturday 22 October 2016

SX18 Aurora stealth VTOL

In an effort to paint more vehicles, I decided to kick things off with this delightful little piece by ClearHorizon Miniatures.

Only a couple of inches long, it comes as a kit of a surprising 8 pieces. It's a bit fiddly to make, but well worth the effort. It comes with optional landing gear (increasing the parts to 11), which I opted to use because I don't see myself using this in anger, it'll be an objective or piece of scenery.

If you're thinking of using it as airpower, the only weapons are internal as evidenced by the holes in the fuselage just behind the cockpit.

So as a stealth VTOL, it felt natural to make it dark. I used purple and black as I was inspired by photos of  rather gothic wedding in Bakersfield, CA recently. (Congrats again Fred and Kris!)

Saturday 24 September 2016

ClearHorizon Miniatures 28mm Hell Divers

Ok, I know these aren't 15mm.

They are 28mm versions of ClearHorizon's 15mm Hell Divers though, and I haven't painted any 15mm for a while, so they're better than nothing.

These models  are actually very big even for 28mm, they're more like 35mm foot to eye, and are quite 'leggy'. They're the support weapons for the squad,with what looks like a machine gun and a missile launcher.  I also have a pack of the basic squad members with standard rifles, I think there are six of those.

Enough waffle. Here are the photos.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

SLAP Miniatures Kickstarter - Space Knights

SLAP Mkniatures have just launched their latest Kickstarter campaign. This time they are releasing a set of 15mm Space Knights; heavily armoured SciFi troopers wearing armour that appears to be influenced by mediaeval knights with a touch of 40K space marine.

22 different bodies are available with about 25 different heads so that there are a lot of possibilities for some unique poses. Some of the figures have separate arms to further increase the options.

Their previous Kickstarter campaign was the Global Defence Force and some people were disappointed with the size of the figures, suggesting that they were a bit smaller than expected (they were 'true' 15mm scale, ie 15mm to the top of their heads).  Well, Stuart seems to have listened. He sent me a photo of one of the knights which shows it to be about 18mm to the top of the head. The slightly crouched pose means that this will be about as bulky as most figures currently on the market. The Paladins in the range look like they will be even bigger.

The figures are reasonably priced at £17 for the set. There is also the option to buy a random half dozen figures or multiple full sets.

Have a look at the campaign here:

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Covert Ops K9 Operative

A new Covert Ops pack from ClearHorizon Miniatures, the K9 Operative with two cyber hounds.

Available from this Friday at